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Meet Arya

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Ayra is a beautiful 15.2hh Appaloosa mare who is at least 15 years old. When Arya arrived in care, she was pregnant, emaciated, and suffering from a sinus infection. Thanks to the careful and dedicated care of her foster home and her veterinarian, Arya gave birth to a healthy happy colt who has since been adopted. Ayra spent several months gaining weight and recovering and now she is ready to start her next journey in a new home.
Arya was found, apparently ownerless with a herd of other horses. No owner was able to be located, so we were not able to learn anything more about her history. We have a hunch that she was likely handled and possibly ridden before, but years without human contact or affection has left her a little nervous and unsure. Her foster mom is working with her to get her more comfortable with handling and ground work. She is a little shy at first with haltering, but is food motivated and with a little scratch and a treat she does fine. She is hesitant when you first reach out, but once your hands are on her she enjoys a good scratch or brush. She can be hesitant at times on the lead, but she’s food motivated and will move along with a little encouragement. She is very gentle in the herd, not pushy or aggressive at all. She was so patient with her colt, and let’s admit – they can be pretty irritating at times!

Arya is such a beautiful mare who deserves a fresh start. Please reach out if you have any questions, or fill out an adoption questionnaire if you’d like to set up a time to meet her.

Location: Salmon Arm (in foster)
Adoption fee: $250

Please note that we require an adoption questionnaire to be filled out in order to be able to set up viewing appointments.

Equine Pre-Adoption Questionnaire

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About Me

  • Days in care: 695
  • Approximate age: 16 years old
  • Pet Type: Horse
  • Breed: Grade
  • Colour: Appaloosa
  • Weight: kg
  • Sex: Female
  • Animal ID: 567508
  • Adoption fees


Important: The history and compatibility of an animal is not always known. If certain compatibility criteria have been identified, they will be listed here or in the animal's description.

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