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Meet Lc – Mika

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Mika is a gentle giant that is quite laid back. Although she is a ‘senior’, you would never know it. Mika is the statue of complete regal monarchy! She is gentle, quiet and just loves knowing that her person is happy. She does play with toys, enjoys having someone dote on her and will reward you loving head rubs.

Mika is a very big girl and has the strength to go with the size. She is going to need someone that is able to control a dog of her size and have the knowledge of the breed. She enjoys going for walks and would love to have a nice quiet spot to rest until the next adventure begins. Mika can show her dominance towards other dogs around food but her foster family has been working with that. She has lived with another dog and was wonderful about getting him to understand boundaries.

Mika is super gentle in her interactions with people. She is super kind when taking treats from her new friends, and is eager to show you her stuff if you desire. This lady has such a great personality and would like nothing more than to have the chance to be your best companion friend that will surely share the couch with you! This sweet gal is really hoping for a retirement home where she will be able to lounge as long as she wants, and soak up all the love you have to give her.

If you would like some more information, or discuss Mika’s needs, please reach out as we would be more than happy to have a conversation.

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About Me

  • Days in care: 39
  • Approximate age: 8 years old
  • Pet Type: Dog
  • Breed: Cane Corso
  • Colour: Black Brindle / White
  • Weight: 42.4 kg
  • Sex: Female
  • Location: BC SPCA Campbell River, Campbell River B.C.
  • Animal ID: 603790
  • Spay or neuter surgery is included with the adoption of all dogs, cats and rabbits.
  • Adoption fees


Important: The history and compatibility of an animal is not always known. If certain compatibility criteria have been identified, they will be listed here or in the animal's description.
  • Staff Pick Staff Pick
  • Special Fee Special Fee
  • OK With Dogs OK With Dogs
  • No Cats No Cats

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