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Meet Fluke

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This pair of parrotlets may be tiny, they are the smallest species of parrot, but their care requirements are just as significant as those of larger parrots. These little birds are full of personality and will need a dedicated, experienced home to meet their unique needs.

While not hand-tamed or well-socialized, this pair is curious and eager to explore their surroundings. They are highly intelligent and thrive with plenty of mental and physical stimulation to keep them active and engaged.

True to their nature, these parrotlets are masters of melody! They love to sing tunes throughout the day. Despite their small size, they require a spacious and well-equipped enclosure to exercise and express their natural behaviors fully.

If you’re ready to take on the challenge of providing these parrotlets with a loving and stimulating home, please fill out an adoption questionnaire. Additionally, we require detailed photos of the planned enclosure to ensure it meets their needs. We’re committed to finding the right match for this pair so they can thrive in a caring environment.

Bird Pre-Adoption Questionnaire

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Important: The history and compatibility of an animal is not always known. If certain compatibility criteria have been identified, they will be listed here or in the animal's description.

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