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Meet Gerald

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This independent parrotlet may prefer solo living, but don’t mistake that for solitude! Though he doesn’t like to share his space, he thoroughly enjoys the company of the other two parrotlets in our care with side by side enclosures. They often sing back and forth to each other in lively conversation.

Small in size but big in personality, this little parrotlet requires a home that can meet his unique needs. Like all parrotlets, he is highly intelligent and thrives with mental stimulation.

While he isn’t hand-tamed, he is content to observe and interact from a distance. With time, patience, and gentle encouragement, there’s potential for him to build trust and grow more comfortable around people.

To ensure his well-being, he’ll need a spacious enclosure that allows him to climb, play, and exercise. Social interaction is important to him, so his new family should plan to dedicate time each day to keeping him engaged and entertained.

If you’re ready to welcome this spirited parrotlet into your home and provide him with the loving, enriching environment he deserves, please fill out an adoption questionnaire and include detailed photos of the enclosure you plan to provide. We are committed to finding the perfect match for him, ensuring he can live a fulfilling and happy life.

Bird Pre-Adoption Questionnaire

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Important: The history and compatibility of an animal is not always known. If certain compatibility criteria have been identified, they will be listed here or in the animal's description.

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